Liam Hunter

  • Get Back in the Game: How a Chiropractor Can Help After a Sports Injury

    Sports are an excellent way to stay active, healthy and have some fun. However, injuries are part and parcel of any sport, and they can be a major setback. Whether it's a minor sprain or a more severe injury, it can significantly impact your performance and overall health. In such cases, seeking professional medical attention is crucial, and a chiropractor can be an excellent option. Dive into the key ways a chiropractor can help you get back in the game after a sports injury.
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  • Reasons To See A Chiropractor

    Chiropractors perform muscular and joint manipulations to achieve various health outcomes. You can see a chiropractor while still undergoing medication for various conditions since chiropractic adjustments do not interfere with other treatment methods. This piece highlights various scenarios where chiropractic adjustments are essential. Pregnancy Chiropractors can help with various health problems that occur during pregnancy. For example, chiropractic adjustments help reduce labour times. The chiropractor helps align the pelvic region through adjustments, decreasing the intrauterine constraint.
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  • Top Reasons Business Travellers should Regularly See a Chiropractor

    Working for a company that allows you to travel to different distant destinations around the globe can be fun and exciting. However, the back-and-forth long-distance trips around the world can take a toll on your body over time. For instance, the travels force you to sit in cramped positions in planes longer than your poor spine can take. Besides, sleeping in different beds without familiar supportive mechanisms, experiencing reduced hydration and keeping up with different time zones do not make matters any easy.
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  • Critical Facts About Infant Chiropractic Care

    Are you skittish about taking your child to a pediatric chiropractor? Many parents are, and the fear can be attributed to the characteristic popping sound during chiropractic adjustments. However, you need to put your worries aside because a licenced pediatric chiropractor will help — not harm — your child. That said, it is common for new parents to be wary of infant chiropractic care even after assurances from family and friends.
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  • 4 Instances When You Should Take Your Kid to a Chiropractor

    Children undergo bodily strain and emotional stress while playing and discovering the world around them. Like adults, they can benefit from chiropractic care to relax their muscles and realign their spine. A children's chiropractor is simply a general chiropractor with specialized skills in handling young children.  A pediatric chiropractor will safely adjust and align your kid's spine so that they can have smooth growth and development. In addition to improving their physical wellbeing, regular visits to the chiropractor will enhance your child's mental and emotional health.
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  • Understanding Chiropractic Treatment

    If you frequently experience back pain and all your home remedies don't seem to work or are temporary fixes, you might be required to visit a chiropractor. Your back pain could be from an injury, a birth defect, maintaining the wrong posture for a long duration of time, etc. Sometimes, you may not have pain, but you might have a misaligned back that makes you walk hunched or with one shoulder higher than the other.
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  • How the Pilates Reformer Could Help You to Get Your Health Back on Track

    If you've been suffering recently with back pain, limited movement, poor flexibility and general malaise, then you may be ready to make a significant change in your life. You might not been as mobile as you should, and this may have contributed to your issues and it is high time that you took some action, if you're going to improve your quality of life. Yet you will want to be careful and take some professional advice so that you can move forward slowly and do so without aggravation.
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  • 5 Signs Your Child Needs to See a Chiropractor

    Neuromuscular disorders can manifest in the form of reoccurring headaches, back pain, shoulder pain or even loss of strength in the arms. While these problems may be more prevalent among adults, they can also affect children even as young as infants. A chiropractor can determine the source of these aches and pains, and how to manage them. Here are five signs that your child may need chiropractic care: Baby won't latch on
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  • 2 Commonly-Asked Questions About Chiropractic Spinal Manipulation

    Chiropractic care or treatment is a non-surgical intervention that helps to alleviate physiological and psychological effects of nervous system and musculoskeletal system imbalances. Through spinal manipulation and mobilisation, the chiropractor's job is to improve the patient's motion range, improve functionality and decrease irritability and pain. This article outlines some of the essential things you should know when considering chiropractic intervention. What should I expect from my first visit? Before you get your first chiropractic adjustment, the chiropractor will need to take your complete patient history.
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  • 3 common problems a chiropractor can help with

    Chiropractors are there to treat you when your body stops being able to move and function as well as it should. While it is classified as an alternative medicine, chiropractors are a well known method of treatment, and can be effective at treating a range of aches, pains and more serious problems. It does not matter if you have had a sudden accident which has caused your problem, a work related injury, or a wider problem which has been ongoing in many forms for several years.
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